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Getting Started

Environment Setup

Nova-admin is developed based on the latest Vite version, so it requires Node.js version 20.x to support it. The recommended package manager is pnpm version 8.x.

Get the Code

Download Artifact

It is recommended to directly download the compressed package from Releases

Repository Clone

git clone
git clone


After cloning the repository, make sure to manually delete the .git directory and other unnecessary files to prevent unnecessary code and history from being committed.

Local Start

Install Dependencies

pnpm i

Start Local Development

pnpm dev

Build Artifacts

pnpm build

Explanation of Script Commands

  "scripts": {
    // Start local development mode with mode as dev and port 9980
    "dev": "vite --mode dev --port 9980",
    // Start local development mode with mode as test (default port 5173)
    "dev:test": "vite --mode test",
    // Start local development mode with mode as prod (default port 5173)
    "dev:prod": "vite --mode prod",
    // Perform type checking and build with vite, mode as prod
    "build": "vue-tsc --noEmit && vite build --mode prod",
    // Perform type checking and build with vite, mode as dev
    "build:dev": "vue-tsc --noEmit && vite build --mode dev",
    // Perform type checking and build with vite, mode as test
    "build:test": "vue-tsc --noEmit && vite build --mode test",
    // Preview the built artifacts, port 9981
    "preview": "vite preview --port 9981",
    // Check code using eslint
    "lint": "eslint .",
    // Check and automatically fix code using eslint
    "lint:fix": "eslint . --fix",
    // Visualize viewing ESLint rule configuration
    "lint:check": "npx @eslint/config-inspector",
    // Analyze the bundle artifacts using vite-bundle-visualizer plugin
    "sizecheck": "npx vite-bundle-visualizer"
  • Regarding @eslint/config-inspector, you can refer to this Blog

Released under the MIT License.